We offer a Spring, Summer and Fall vegetable and fruit CSA with an optional Flower, Goat Cheese, and Egg CSA. We follow a traditional model where members buy their share and come to the farm weekly to pick up their produce. This pre-pay relationship helps the farm by providing much needed income early in the season and members get wonderful farm goodies at a discounted price. Members understand that they are buying a share of the farm for a season. Inherent in the share are the potential risks and bounties the farm may incur. Included in the share are veggies, fruits, and herbs along with a weekly newsletter and recipes. Members can expect a minimum of 15% discount over retail prices.
Click HERE for more information and to sign up.
About the Farm
Meadowstone Farm is a small, diverse farm located in Northern New Hampshire which has a long history. Originally homesteaded by the Cole family in the mid-1800’s, it remained in their family as a cow dairy until the early 1960’s. John Cole was well known throughout the area for his horse teams and the work he did with them. Ray Little bought the farm in 1967 and ran it as a dairy until the late 70’s.
He then sold the farm to Lyle and Rachel Whitcomb in 1982, who while running a hardware store, a roofing business and raising four children, managed to raise vegetables and keep the farm in working order. They also Pick-Your-Own peas, eggs, pansies and a few cattle over the years. We purchased the farm in 2003 and have continued the tradition of organized chaos and the love of farming.
Meadowstone Farm offers a variety of fruits and vegetables, pork, eggs, chicken, goat cheese and seedlings. Although we were Certified Organic, we dropped it in 2007. Checkout our Beyond Organic link for more information. Meadowstone Farm is also home to the Woodland Community School, a private day school for ages 5-14. We love visitors, so stop by anytime to check the farm out. School groups and other organizations please contact us for scheduling.
about the Farm Stand
There are many of variables with our farm stand, but in general our farm stand is open from 8 am-5:30 pm daily. Usually it is self-serve, but we keep a radio in the stand for customers to contact us during the day with questions. Also, not everything we have is always in the stand, yet we try to keep an updated list of pick-able produce in the stand. Customers can call us on the radio, let us know what they want from the field and we go get it. This helps decrease potential food waste for us and gives you the freshest possible product. We also have a u-pick herb garden next to the stand. Just grab a knife and a bag and help yourself to the freshest herbs this side of your own garden.
Throughout the winter and the shoulder seasons our selections increase and decrease appropriately and our stand is definitely self-serve. Check out our availability chart of approximate seasons of certain vegetables and subscribe to our email list for updates as to when new crops are in season or the bacon just got back from the smokehouse.
Meadowstone Farm
809 Brook Road
Bethlehem, NH 03574