Mt. Washington and Tuckerman Ravine

Mount Washington has been attracting hikers and sightseers for a couple of centuries, drawn by both its rugged beauty and by the challenge of scaling a mountain known for some of the world’s most unpredictable weather. At 6,288 feet, Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeast, and for many years claimed the distinction of being the place where the highest wind ever observed by man — 231 mph — was recorded in 1934. Explore the history and unique weather of the mountain at the Mount Washington Observatory’s hands-on Weather Discovery Center on the summit.  You can summit the mountain on foot via White Mountain trails, by car on the Mt. Washington Auto Road, or by the Cog Railway!

Spring skiing at Tuckerman Ravine is a rite of passage for expert back country skiers who crave the extreme skiing the glacial cirque and deep snowfields offer. Tuckerman Ravine also draws thousands of spectators who flock to the popular Lunch Rocks at Tuck’s to watch the action each spring, from early April to mid-May, and cheer on their favorites. Tuck’s is not to be taken lightly, however. The ravine’s 35 to 55 degree pitch sets up perfect avalanche conditions and skiers and spectators are advised to use extreme caution whether they are climbing or skiing.

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