AMC Presents: Icebergs, Puffins and Whales — Sea Kayaking & Exploring in Newfoundland & Labrador

Images shot from a kayak by photographer and adventurer Genny Langworthy create a panorama of the rugged, beautiful, and often treacherous coastline of Newfoundland and Labrador. The artist presents a visual journey of the most magnificent sights, from the unique perspective of a sea kayaker. Presentation includes maps and history and culture of the region, and video excerpts, as well as slides and regional music.

Highland Happenings Featured Evening Programs are FREE and OPEN to the public. For more information, please call (603) 278-4453.

Harvest & Music Celebration at Ecovillage La Cite Ecologique of NH

Come and share with us the bounty of Mother Nature with a gourmet seasonal farm-to-table buffet, and a nice concert in the heart of the Great North Woods! This will be a nice evening to enjoy the gorgeous view of the mountains, fields, and gardens with friends and family and a delicious meal.

$15 for the buffet with RSVP/ payable at the registration. Get tickets here. More info: [email protected] or (603) 331-1669.

About the artist:
Paul is full-time traveling troubadour interested in playing a concert for La Cite Ecologique in September when he will pass through the area. There is a suggested donation of $10 for the show.

AMC Presents: Stories from the Stars

Enjoy Stories from the Stars, with local storyteller Matt Krug.

The programs are free and open to the public. Call to find out more or to be added to the monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Presents: The Daughters of Corn — Nicaragua Dance Ensemble

Compas de Nicaragua, a NH nonprofit organization that supports health and education projects in Nicaragua is sponsoring a Nicaragua Dance Tour performed by a 7-member dance troupe. This multi-media performance includes eloquent cultural dances performed in beautiful dress to marimba music. Short video showings will also be presented while the dancers change into new costumes and dresses. The video will take the audience into the lives of “Women in Action,” a women’s group that lives and carries out community projects in one of the poorest settlements of Managua, Nicaragua.

Highland Happenings Featured Evening Programs are FREE and OPEN to the public. For more information, please call (603) 278-4453.

AMC Presents: White Mountains — The Poetry of Place

Join two New Hampshire poets who draw inspiration from the White Mountains in the poems they create. Husband and wife Robert Crawford and Midge Goldberg read their award-winning poetry.

The programs are free and open to the public. Call to find out more or to be added to the monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Presents: Go Take A Hike

Guest speaker and author Allen Crabtree has been hiking the hills and mountains of NH and Maine all his life. Join Allen for his stories and photos of adventures hiking as a senior, complete with his hiking tips and outings for seniors in Western Maine and the White Mountains.

Highland Happenings Featured Evening Programs are FREE and OPEN to the public. For more information, please call (603) 278-4453.

Metallak Race Endurance Adventure

Formerly known as the North Country Endurance Challenge, Metallak Race is an endurance adventure that treks through the northern regions of New Hampshire, including Colebrook, Clarksville, Pittsburg, and Dixville Notch (home of the former Balsams Grand Resort Hotel). Previously this race was run in a linear format; however, the 2017 edition will move throughout the region in a way that allows competitors to complete the race without assistance from support crews. Much of the former route will be used, with new twists and turns that will be revealed as the race date approaches.

The 10-hour race is estimated to take 8 to 10 hours to complete and will consist of 8 legs. Long-course racers will experience mountain biking, gravel grinding, trail running, and paddling. Racers will be able to complete the course as an individual or as a team of two. This course will not be run with a relay option.

The 6-hour race is estimated to take 4 to 6 hours and will cover the final 5 legs of the course. This race will include trail running/trekking, mountain biking, and paddling. The 6-hour race is offered to individuals, teams, and relay teams who are seeking maximum adventure, but over a shorter distance. Teams are limited to two racers, and relay teams are limited to 3 racers.

For additional information email [email protected] or click on the race website

AMC Presents: Trail Signs of the Mountains & Finding Your Way

AMC volunteer and historian Bill Moss speaks on trail signage in the White Mountain National Forest. If you’ve every wondered about trail blazes, trail names, or the rhyme and reason behind the signs that you see in the woods, check out this interesting talk.

Highland Happenings Featured Evening Programs are FREE and OPEN to the public. For more information, please call (603) 278-4453.

AMC Presents: Sunday BBQ & Beer Tasting

Join the last BBQ of the season (6-8 p.m.), along with beer tasting from local brwery Rek’lis (5-6 p.m.). For more information, please call (603) 278-4453.

Big Moose Bach Fest VIII

Big Moose Bach Fest VIII Turns to Jazz and Themes of Good and Evil

Labor Day Weekend is once again the occasion for Bach, this year jazzing it up on Saturday, September 2, at 4 pm, with a video presentation “Jazz up the Sinfonias” followed by a movie on the life of Bach.

The final concert will take place on Sunday afternoon, September 3, also at 4 pm. Both events take place at the Medallion Opera House in Gorham, a co-sponsor of the festival. An unusual feature of the annual Bach Fest is that the events are free, with donations to Music in the Great North Woods, which closes out its summer offerings with this signature event. The Sunday program will include three cantatas on life and death, good and evil, with a chorus, soloists and orchestra of Baroque strings and recorders under the direction of Dr. Susan Ferré.