AMC Presents: Mosses, Liverworts & Hornworts

Always wanted to know more about mosses, liverworts and hornworts? Then join Featured Evening Speaker Ralph Pope, author of the newly published A Field Guide to Bryophytes of the Northeast, and learn more about this fascinating subject.

The day includes a Talk and Walk at 9 a.m. & an Evening Presentation at 8 p.m.

On Saturday morning Pope will take participants on a short walk to introduce mosses and their close allies, the liverworts and hornworts, with a brief discussion of how they fit into the larger scheme of biodiversity. Then identification characteristics will be discussed inside before heading to the field to scout them out and see them first hand.

The field guide that will be of main reference focus is Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts, A Field Guide to Bryophytes of the Northeast by trip leader Ralph Pope; however, if you have other bryophyte identification references, please feel free to bring them along. We will have copies of Mosses Liverworts and Hornworts for sale and will also have a few loaner copies for use on the walk.

If you can’t make it during the day join Pope after dinner on at 8 p.m. for an indoor presentation: An Introduction to Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornwort. In this talk Pope will discuss how Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornworts fit into the larger scheme of biodiversity, we’ll look at some bryophyte ecology, and some of the characteristics used to identify these plants in the field.

The programs are free and open to the public. Call to find out more or to be added to the monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or