Homecoming Weekend at Bretton Woods Ski Area

Homecoming Weekend kicks off the 45th season of skiing and riding at the Bretton Woods Ski Area. On Friday, November 23, Warren Miller’s action-packed feature film, “Face of Winter,” will be screened.

On Saturday, the party continues with a “Welcome Back” Homecoming BBQ, followed by the Homecoming Brew tasting of beers from several Northern New England breweries. More information and tickets are available at www.brettonwoods.com/homecoming.

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: Climbers as Humanitarians

In early November 2018, Lisa Ballard accompanied three firefighters, an emergency room technician and an electrical engineer from the Upper Connecticut River Valley to central Mexico. Part of the trip included the chance to trek to base camp on Pico de Orizaba (18,491 feet), the highest mountain in Mexico and the third highest in North America.

However, the real motivation was humanitarian. For more of the story, see the Summer/Fall 2018 issue of Appalachia, which explores what motivates climbers to provide aid to others, then let Lisa take you to Pico de Orizaba through her stunning photographs and commentary.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or outdoors.org/pinkhamhappenings