AMC Pinkham Presents: Music in the Mountains with Fleur des Lis

Paul Cormier and Jeanine Loubier of Fleur des Lis will play a variety of traditional music, weaving harmonies into a non-traditional celebration of this music.

Pinkham Happenings are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list. (603) 466-2721 or

Thanksgiving at AMC Pinkham Notch

AMC puts on a delicious holiday buffet that is sure to become a new holiday tradition. This year’s menu is a traditional dinner with turkey and all the trimmings. Seatings every half hour Reservations are required; call (603) 466-2727

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: The Peoples Forest-Film

A film about one of the greatest environmental comeback stories in American history. A David Huntley film about the White Mountain National Forest.

Pinkham Happenings are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list. (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: The People’s Forest (film)

The story of the White Mountain National Forest. A film about one of the greatest environmental comeback stories in American history. A David Huntley film.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: Revealing the Mysteries of Autumn ColorsJohn

Join US Forest Service volunteer Paul Motts for a pictorial explanation of why trees shed their green for festive autumn colors each year.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: US Cycling Adventure

Featured speaker Charles Donna will regale us with the tale of his amazing 3,600 mile cycling adventure that covered 9 states and Ontario and involved more than 98,000 feet of elevation gain. The presentation will include lots of photos, training for the big adventure, inspiring music, stories, and equipment used, with a general emphasis of what’s involved in taking on a long distance cycling challenge.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: Ghosts of Mt. Washington

Since 1849, over 150 people have lost their lives on Mt. Washington and the surrounding Presidential Range. In this presentation, featured speaker Joan Veilleux will tell us with emotion and suspense, the true stories of debutant Lizzie Bourne and climber Ned Green. She will share with us her personal encounters of what may have been their “presence” while climbing the mountain and working as a ranger on the summit. Joan brings us back in time to the 1850s and then into the present world of ice climbing and mountaineering, all in a place she knows and loves.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or


AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: Bicknell’s Thrush & Sustainable Development

Guest speaker Mary Ann McGarry, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Policy at Plymouth State University, will present “The Bicknell’s Thrush and Sustainable Development.”

A rare native songbird — the Bicknell’s Thrush — has failed to be listed as a threatened species; however, data collected will inform ongoing conservation efforts.

This bird serves as a catalyst for considering how NH is linked to sustainable development in our home state as well as on the island of Hispaniola where Haiti and the Dominican Republic are co-located. The Bicknell’s Thrush breeds in the high peaks of NH and winters in the forests on Hispaniola. Saving this species means protecting its habitat in two regions and solving complex issues related to race, poverty, deforestation and natural resource management. Although the challenges are great, learn what is being done to raise awareness at both ends of the birds’ migratory route.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or


AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: How Not to End Up in Accident Reports

Guest speaker Christine Woodside will present “How Not to End Up in the Accidents Report of Appalachia Journal.”

Chris Woodside is a writer and editor who writes about the history of ordinary Americans and their clashes with nature. Chris has edited Appalachia since 2005. The journal is a mountaineering publication with a literary bent, published since 1876 by the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or

AMC Pinkham Notch Presents: History of Mountain Top Inns & Hotels

Guest speaker Allen Crabtree will share the “History of Mountain Top Inns and Hotels.”

For nearly as long as there have been tourists enjoying the White Mountains there have been hotels for them to stay. These have included Crawford’s Old Moosehead Tavern in 1817, the Notch House in 1828, the first Crawford House in 1850, the first of several Mount Washington Summit Hotels in 1874, and many others. Other peaks also sported their summit hotels, including Mount Kearsarge North in North Conway, Pleasant Mountain in Denmark, Me., Mount Chocorua in Albany, and others. This illustrated talk will outline the rise, glory years, and decline of nearly all these summit hotels and grand resorts that were so popular with White Mountain tourists in the late 1800s to early 1900s.

Pinkham Happenings Programs begin at 8 p.m. and are free and open to all. Call to find out more or to be added to our monthly email list: (603) 466-2721 or